Flux coefficient concept

When the unit amount of the flux factor represents the metal or sulfur oxide, a certain desired amount of the oxidizing agent. Different metals and different oxidants have different flux coefficients.
The flux coefficients of sulfur and s

Salt mining ship example

Arab Potash Co., Ltd. built 1.2 million tons of potassium chloride plant on the southeast coast of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea brine is extracted through the Yantian Sunlight Carbide Mine to produce potassium chloride. The salt field is 1m deep and the carn


The concentrator is an inverted cone, as shown below. The upper center of the body is equipped with a feeding cylinder, which is connected to the feeding pipe in the tangential direction. A radial grid is welded inside the cylinder to prevent the slurry from rotating. The upp

Sanding ore processing process

Sand tin ore beneficiation process is relatively simple, generally by a simple sieving reselection to get a good metallurgical performance, but the lower dissociation degree of the monomers of tin min

Equipment load operation rate of main workshop in Wuchuan Mercury Mine Concentrator

Wuchuan mercury ore dressing plant load operation of main plant equipment

Beneficiation of bastnasite-monochlorite mixed type ore

Inner Mongolia metamorphic deposition area of Baiyun'ebo - fluorine, sodium account type Nb - rare earth - iron contains more rare earth mineral deposits, wherein the industrial value is

Various phenomena occurring at the phase interface of flotation

At the phase interface of the flotation, various phenomena occur. Due to the following main phenomena on the surface of the mineral, the following factors have a great impact on the flotation process:
1) Wetting phenomenon;
2) adsorption phenomenon;
3) interfac

ZKBX linear vibration fine screen

      The fine sieve saddle mine in the mid-1980s developed, the full range of a total of four kinds of specifications, mainly used in metal ore processing plant to replace a

Fine particle electric separator

Fine-grain electrification is an important issue that has attracted attention and research at home and abroad. Especially fine-grained materials of less than 0.1 mm have made remarkable progress after research by scholars all over the world. One is dry electrification a